Havana man rides 4-meter high bike

Havana man rides 4-meter high bike

A man in Cuba has constructed a 13-foot (4-metre) high bicycle. 48-year-old Felix Guirola has been riding ‘tall’ bicycles since 1983, after seeing a tandem and deciding to extend his own bike upwards. Guirola rides 13 feet (4 meters) above the ground atop his homemade super-tall bike, peering over pickup trucks and even buses and without a helmet or other protective gear to break a fall. “I feel good up high. I don’t get nauseated or dizzy, nothing like that,” the 48-year-old Guirola said. “Up there I see the scenery better. I feel relaxed. There’s more of a breeze, I breathe it and I feel freer.”havana4mtrbike2havana4mtrbike1