The love story elizabet taylor

The union didn’t last long and, in 1952, Taylor was walking down the aisle again—this time to marry actor Michael Wilding. In all, Taylor has married eight times during her life, twice to actor Richard Burton. While her love life continued to make international headlines, Taylor continued to shine as an actress. She delivered a riveting performance in the drama A Place in the Sun, and turned things up even more in 1956 with the film adaptation of the Edna Ferber novel, Giant, that co-starred James Dean. Two years later, she sizzled on the big screen in the film adaptation of Tennessee Williams’ Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. The following year, she starred in another Williams classic, Suddenly Last Summer. Taylor earned her first Oscar, capturing the coveted Best Actress award for her role as a call girl in Butterfield 8 (1960).