The old singer and her daughter

She is well known for her correct style and abidance by the traditional rules and guidelines. She made her major debut appearance at the America Society, arranged my Lloyd Miller, a well known ethnomusicologist and a disciple of the grand Dariush Safvat. Parisa, alongside a few other musicians were members of an institution that had a tremendous impact on the progression of Persian classical music. The institution was called the “Center for Preservation and Propagation of Music” and was a project that Dariush Safvat initiated. Many promising music students would go there to practice, spent time perfecting their abilities, and use one another’s community to excel together. Many of the well known musicians of today were students at this institute, such as Dariush Tala’i, Hossein Alizadeh, Majid Kiani, and Jalal Zolfonun.