The senior director of the organization

Ahmad Jannati is one of the few people who has been at the top of important responsibilities since the beginning of the Iranian revolution and is still at the head of two important institutions at the same time at the age of 94, namely the Guardian Council and the Council of Leadership Experts. Ali Jannati, his son, has also held important responsibilities after the Iranian revolution, from the governorship and embassy to the political deputy of the Ministry of Interior and, just a few years ago, the Ministry of Guidance. Another member of this family is Hossein Jannati, who was one of the leaders of the People’s Mojahedin Organisation. However, his position towards the Islamic Republic did not hinder his father’s and brother’s progress towards power in the Islamic Republic. After announcing the armed struggle of the People’s Mojahedin Khalq Organisation against the Islamic Republic in 1360, along with his wife, Fatemeh Sarvari, Hossein Jannati started fighting and living a secret life.