
Megan and her child in Canada

While many Canadians have been assiduously following every twist in the plans of Prince Harry and Meghan, his wife, to take a break from royal duties, the couple may find their plan to live part time in Canada will, in the end, be greeted by a great national yawn. Read More »

The most famous food from Tourists

Food Tourism starts to catch on with mainstream tourism with the help and exposure from social media and television shows. Food tourism now includes the full range of experiences, cooking classes, producer visits, enjoying street food, discovering locals-only hole in the wall pubs, touring dramatic wineries, or diving into a one-of-a-kind restaurants. There is something for everyone in the food ... Read More »

Schools in need of improvements

The Link Between Run-Down Schools and Poor Academic Achievement A new study explains the link between run-down schools and lower test scores and academic achievement among students. In recent years, there’ve been a variety of studies reporting that children who attend run-down schools have lower test scores than students at well-maintained schools. Why would attending a dilapidated school result in ... Read More »

Tennis court in Dubai that will be underwater

Earlier this year, Polish architect Krystztof Kotala, Founder of 8+8 Concept Studio, proposed to build an underwater complex situated offshore in the Persian Gulf, between the Burj al Arab and the Palm Jumeirah islands in the United Arab Emirates. The proposed structure will house seven courts, each with rooftop coral reef designed to build an illusion of a natural atoll. Read More »

Hollywood grandparents

Snoop Dogg became a grandfather at age 43 when his first grandchild, Zion, was born in January 2015. A few months later, he talked about what kind of grandparent he was going to be with Today. “I’m going to be a gullible, get-away-with-everything kind of grandpa,” he said. “It’s just a spark of joy just to look in his eyes ... Read More »

The most expensive cars on the market

The Mercedes-Benz SL-Class is a grand touring sports car manufactured by Mercedes since 1954. The designation SL derives from the German Super-Leicht, (English: Super Light). The original idea was suggested by American importer Max Hoffman, who perceived a market for a toned-down Gran Prix car tailored to affluent performance enthusiasts in the booming post-war American market, which remains the primary ... Read More »

The luxurious life of the son of a former president

 Political nepotism is nothing more than nascent monarchism. And it is on an increase around the world with the rise of political dynasties exercising control over both government and business. These de facto monarchies mask themselves as democracies, however, they are turning some democracies into kleptocracies, where a select group of corrupt politicians loot the national treasuries, and kakistocracies, where ... Read More »

Football stars’ reaction to Kobe Bryant’s death

The death of Kobe Bryant in a helicopter crash Sunday has rocked the sports world, and tributes have poured in from across the NBA.One of the most moving remembrances of the late Los Angeles Lakers superstar came from another L.A. legend, Jerry West. “The Logo” forged a Hall of Fame career with the Lakers before becoming the team’s general manager, ... Read More »

Commemoration of Dr. Parviz Kardovani

Born in 1931 (1310 according to the calendar) in Garmsar, he completed his elementary and high school education in this city and continued his higher education in Germany, where he received his Ph.D in agricultural science (Desert Agriculture). Read More »

Tough measures at airports around the world

Airports are adding passenger screenings and taking other precautions to prevent a new virus from being spread by Chinese tourists going abroad for the Lunar New Year holidays.China has imposed an unprecedented, open-ended shutdown of Wuhan, the city of 11 million people where the virus first appeared last month. And it began similar measures in nearby cities Friday to try ... Read More »