The film of Fereydoun Farrokhzad and Turkish actress Sahar

 As well as acting, Seher danced at nightclubs throughout Europe. For a time she lived in Paris, and belly danced at the Moulin Rouge. She was married 3 times in total, and each ended in divorce. The 1980s were a time of “great spiritual depression” for Seher. She felt oppressed by the 1980 Turkish military coup, which saw censorship and cinematic decline.  On June 29, 1984, she ODed on four bottles of Mogadon after her affair with a married businessman had crumbled. She was rushed to the hospital by a journalist who turned up for an interview appointment. After a twelve hour coma, she came to and uttered “I want to die.” Unable to cope with aging, a flailing career, a string of shattered relationships, and crushing depression, she turned to pharmaceutical drugs to numb the pain.