Google to prioritise secure websites

Google to prioritise secure websites

BBC reported today that Google has said it will give preference to more secure websites in its search rankings from now on.

The search engine has been testing highlighting pages that have HTTPS encryption by default, and will now roll out across its algorithms.

“We’ve seen positive results, so we’re starting to use HTTPS as a ranking signal,” Google said.

The decision could encourage more sites to turn on encryption, which makes them less vulnerable to hacking.

Encryption is used to digitally scramble data as it passes between a user’s device and an online service in order to prevent others eavesdropping on the information.

It is used by many, but not all, sites that show a little padlock and use a web address beginning HTTPS. The “S” stands for secure.

But for many firms across the web, adding encryption has to this point been an additional burden in terms of time and costs.