Who is actress Sepide Moafi

Ultimately, if history’s taught us anything, freedoms are really hard to regain once lost. You see these deeper sort of technocratic themes explored in the show that I’m fascinated by. In FX’s newest Hulu original, four FBI agents grapple with the consequences of bringing artificial intelligence into the U.S. criminal justice system over the span of three time periods. Kate Mara as Ashley Poet, Sepideh Moafi as Hour Nazari, Brian J. Smith as Daniel Lennix and Brian Tyree Henry as Tayo Michaels make up the core cast of Class of ’09, considered the defining class of the FBI that changed history. Their relationships in the past, present and future are interweaved by hidden identities, personal struggles and dangerous technology. While the idea of AI is hard to ignore, especially how it reflects so effortlessly to real life, the real tension is built between its cast.