
Erdogan: Muslims found Americas before Columbus!

Muslims discovered the Americas more than three centuries before Christopher Columbus, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said. He made the claim during a conference of Latin American Muslim leaders in Istanbul, pointing to a diary entry in which Columbus mentioned a mosque on a hill in Cuba. BBC reports that Mr Erdogan also said “Muslim sailors arrived in America ... Read More »

China censors clip of Putin draping coat over their first lady

What seemed to be an innocent moment during the APEC summit in Beijing has grown into a topic of debate, after China’s censors moved to erase Russian President Vladimir Putin’s act of placing a shawl over the shoulders of Peng Liyuan, the wife of China’s President Xi Jinping. NPR reports, the gesture at a fireworks show Monday night was soon ... Read More »

Iran says version of captured US spy drone operational

Iran claims it has put into operation a final version of the sophisticated U.S. RQ-170 drone, which was captured in 2011 and later reverse-engineered by Iranian experts, the commander of the Aerospace Division of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps announced on Monday. The domestically produced version of the RQ-170 stealth aircraft is said to have made a successful inaugural flight, ... Read More »

Obama Wrote Secret Letter Khamenei

US President Barack Obama has secretly written a letter to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei urging progress on nuclear talks and stressing common interest in fighting the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), the Wall Street Journal says. Obama sent the letter to Khamenei in mid-October, according to the report published on Thursday citing unnamed White House officials. “Mr Obama ... Read More »

Christian Couple Are Tortured and Burned to Death in Pakistan

This horrifying event happened on Tuesday after the couple where accused of burning a Quran, police officials said. The incident took place in Kot Radha Kishan town, about 60 kilometres southwest of Lahore city. The victims, identified as Shama and Shehzad, were burned alive in a brick kiln where they used to work. Blasphemy is a highly sensitive issue in ... Read More »

Iran poised to choose poverty over nuclear disarmament

Washington Post in it’s OPED section yesterday published and article analyzing the chances the Iran and 5+1 can come to a final agreement by the deadline toward the end of this month. In this article your read: Although many in the West may privately hope that the interim accord will simply roll on in absence of a comprehensive agreement, Iranian ... Read More »

Sculptures spotlight Palestinian displacement

Sculptures intended to show families fleeing Shejaiya neighborhood during summer conflict. Sabbah the sculptor, who is Palestinian and lives and works in Gaza, created them using mud and waste materials found in bombsites. The artist who was forced to leave his house in Sudanyya neighborhood of Gaza, said he decided to create his exhibition of Tahalok (Decaying) to show the ... Read More »

Peshmerga armor transporters headed for Kobane

Turkey: 200 Peshmerga being sent to KobanePresident Recep Tayyip Erdogan says he has details of first Iraqi Kurd force to be sent to defend Syrian town from ISIL. The Turkish president has said he is expecting 200 Kurdish Peshmerga fighters will head from Iraq to the besieged Syrian town of Kobane through Turkey after authorities agreed their passage. Recep Tayyip ... Read More »

Mini Ice Sculptures A Memorial to WW1

To honor the civilians that died in brittain during World War 1, artist Néle Azevedo made a monument that only lasted for a few hours. She made 5000 small sculptures of ice and placed them on the steps of Birmingham’s Chamberlain Square. It didn’t last long but the people that came to see had a moment to reflect, think and ... Read More »

Iranian General Killed in Syria

IRNA – Gen. Darisawi was killed in action in Aleppo, Syria. He was the commander of IRGC Basij forces in Kuzestan province. It was not known when he was deployed to Syria, and the Iranians did not disclose the circumstances or the time of his death.  Darisawi becomes one of the highest ranking Iranian officers killed in action in Syria ... Read More »