
Iran to unveil new air defense systems

Iran will unveil new domestically manufactured or upgraded medium-range and long-range air defense systems during the military parade that will be held on September 22 to mark Sacred Defense Week, the commander of the Khatam-ol-Anbiya Air Defense Base announced on Wednesday. The missile, artillery, and radar systems that will be unveiled have been manufactured or upgraded by Iranian experts, Brigadier ... Read More »

Obama authorises air strikes on Iraq

BBC reported that US President Barack Obama today said that he has authorised air strikes against Islamic militants in northern Iraq, if they threaten US interests or to prevent the slaughter of religious minorities. However, the president said US troops would not be sent back to Iraq. The US has already made humanitarian air drops to Iraqis under threat from ... Read More »

Hardliners Make Baseless Accusations Against arrested WaPo reporter

Source: International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran After two weeks of silence by Iranian officials on the reason for the detention of husband-and-wife journalists Jason Rezaian and Yegabeh Salehi and their whereabouts, media with ties to security and intelligence organs believed to be holding them have begun leveling baseless charges of spying against them, revealing the intentions of interrogators ... Read More »

Iran closes anti Sunni TVs after Nasrallah request

Iran closed down the offices of a number of foreign-based satellite channels across the Islamic Republic because they enhanced sectarian divisions between Muslims, Iran’s IRNA news agency reported Monday. The move came few months after Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah, an ally of Iran, reportedly called for tight controls over religious satellite television networks broadcasting anti-Sunni programs in Iran. ... Read More »